Regal Cinemas Pop Up Polygon Penguin

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Run Time: 0:24

We partnered with ResponsePoint to create the Polygon Pop Up Penguin mailer. ResponsePoint brainstormed a marketing vision for their client, Regal Cinemas, that involved a complex, dimensional penguin popping out of a mailer. The penguin had to meet certain specifications to work within their campaign and to relay Regal Corporate Box Office’s brand and products. Plus, it needed to be something that end-users would want to keep on their desk throughout the holiday season.

Based on previous surveys, ResponsePoint understood that their client’s most-valued customers wanted to feel special, like their loyalty matters. These customers were accustomed to receiving post cards and emails as their marketing communications. They knew this mailer needed to stand out in the mail and look expensive, so as to convey to these customers how much they were valued. Plus, the campaign was designed around triggering an emotional response. The mailer with the pop-up penguin served as the first touch in the Regal Corporate Box Office holiday marketing campaign.The design of the penguin and the implementation of the pop-up was done to create positive feelings that would make customers want to share on social media and with their co-workers and friends. The penguin was meant to create joy, but also keep Regal top of mind during the holiday season. In the end, all of this was achieved to meet the overarching goal of increasing response and sales for Regal.

Learn more about this project and results here!

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