U.S. ARMY's "Most Successful DM Recruitment Campaign Ever"

Run Time: 0:31

U.S. ARMY was looking for a VR platform to use as a recruiting tool. Given the magnitude of the mailing, a postal-friendly, cost-effective, easy-to-assemble, and captivating format was critical. Our SleekPeeks® Virtual Reality Viewers hit the mark.

The objective of the campaign was recruitment. There were three print themes in total: Sniper, Tank Commander, and Bomb Tech. Simple directions were printed on the viewer to download the VR app, "In Our Boots". Depending upon which solider the viewer chose to hover over in the app, they were taken to an immersive experience as either a Sniper, a Tank Commander or a Bomb Tech. 

The campaign was so successful that 900,000 units were produced over the course of 6 reprints. The U.S. ARMY called it their "most successful direct mail recruitment campaign ever."

Click here to see images of the VR Viewers and to read more about the background of this campaign.

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