At Structural Graphics we use Augmented Reality (AR) technology to help brands produce integrated marketing solutions.
For us, AR is an unforgettable and fun way to tie print to digital. With AR brand messaging lives in a cloud, so it can be switched out and changed with each campaign and there are no worries about space limitation because SG’s dimensional print products give brands more real estate to work with compared with flat paper pieces.
While AR tech is still making its way through the mainstream, many software developers, designers and technophiles from a variety of industries are buzzing with – not just the potential of AR – but the reality of its use in daily life.
Earlier in the week, we tweeted about artist Keiichi Matsuda who produced a series of movies for the upcoming London Festival. The movies are Matsuda’s contribution to a special exhibition exploring design and technology. Spawned from a collaboration between design magazine Dezeen and MINI, the infamous car produced by the British Motor Corporation, the exhibition presents “radical ideas for how we might get around in the future,” says Dezeen Editor-in-Chief Marcus Fairs.

Matsuda’s vision makes AR tech part of people’s daily lives. It speculates how our lives can be infused with a “digitally enhanced, ever-present overlay” of our cities by superimposing critical information, like traffic and road signage onto the physical world through vessels like contact lenses.
SG Designer and Paper Engineer Isabel Uria puts it this way: “In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury wrote about a world with flat screens that showed image and sound, as well as ‘little pods’ that you could put in your ears that had sound coming out of them. And here we are, many years later, and we have earbuds and flat screen TVs.”
Brands take note
AR tech is giving brands incredible ways to totally transform the landscape of interaction with their consumers. Structural Graphics is part of that, helping them take print to the next level with partners like Taggar to produce product packaging, promotional print and other print vehicles that connect to life virtually.
AR Tech in use
Stryker Diagnostics, the makers of hip and knee medical devices, was looking for a new way to draw visitors to their booth at The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons trade show.
We produced a sleek invite with a pop-up postcard that incorporated AR tech, so when recipients presented the piece at Stryker’s booth they were treated to a live, 360-degree demonstration of the company’s hip and knee devices.
Take a look in the video below.
How’s that for trying something on for size?
At SG paper is our first love and we’re working on lots of great ways to infuse dimensional paper design with technology. We work with print and tech to give our clients all the advantages they need to keep their brands in the forefront of people’s minds.
Learn more about our AR offerings, call us at 860-767-2661 or drop us a line at [email protected].